Thursday, September 15, 2011

Why is that religious folks don't seem to understand the bible?

Every time I turn around these days, it seems like there is someone preaching the word of god to me, handing me pamphlets, wearing a cross, having religious tattoos, or climing they know better than someone else. Now I haven't got a serious problem with good honest folks who care for the fate of other human being, I'm not offended by folks like my grandparents who visited church and took sandwiches to homeless folks. It is people like the Westboro Baptist Curch, Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggert, and countless religious hate groups that really get my balls torqued. It's not because of their opinions, everyone is entitled to those. It's not because of their vicious attack on anyone different than them. It is because they are invariably hypocrits to some degree or another.

It really strikes me as though they do not understand the scripture. They seem to play at biblical knowledge like someone who has read the Wikipedia article of Physics trying to teach advanced particle theory at MIT. Just think, if you will, about the last time you heard about on of these church scandals, or harassments of LGBTI persons or returning veterans. Can you remember what the men who were flinging epitaphs, insults and condemnations looked like?

I do. They were cleanshaven men. Leviticus 19:27 states "Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard." AKA "do not trim your sideburns or shave your beard." This is not an optional part of the bible, none of it is, unless it isn't really the word of god.

All of the women associated with them had better have a handy supply of RITUALLY CLEAN (Raised kosher for this purpose usually, and without physical blemish) of doves or pigeons ready. On the eighth day after their period began, they have to take two of them to the temple and have the priest sacrifice them to the greedy blood-god. Lev. 15:29-3

Have they ever eaten a cheeseburger? The bible forbids it. Have they cooked with lard? The bible forbids it. Blood sausage, coq au vin, and rare steak? Kiss it goodbye, the bible forbids it. Deut 14:21, Lev. 4:17

The list of biblical laws virtually everyone breaks is too long to go into here. Suffice it to say that ADULTERERS are commanded to be STONED to DEATH. That is, to be restrained, and be pelted with rocks until they die from it. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. The bible specifically mentions which laws may be forgiven, and adultery isn't one of them. A horrible way to die to say the least.

The bible is, if you will pardon the pun, a sacred cow. Question it, and you get attacked. Why is this? Because it is "the word of God" and must be 100% true or the whole system collapses on itself.  So who are these self-righteous bastards to say that it is ok for themselves to break the law of god when it's inconvenient to follow it, but if someone else ddoes, they are sinners who will go to hell?

Oh, and by the way. Every Christian I know breaks at least one of the Ten Commandments on a regular basis, and never seeks forgiveness for it. I'll cover why another day.

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